The Kabbalah, Precognition and Retro-causality
As I have started studying and working with the Kabbalah, I have begun to experience the affects of the “ascending” and “descending” pathways it prescribes on a daily, hourly, moment-by-moment basis. I have only touched the surface of the wisdom and power of the system that is the Kabbalah, but suffice it to say the effects I have noticed on my life have been nothing short of miraculous. They have been less than subtle and more than immediate. It is one of the most powerful magical systems I have come into relationship with so far in my magical journey. For a glimpse into what I mean, I wanted to discuss synchronicities, precognition and retro-causality.
Firstly, as I become more familiar with the ten sephiroth and the paths on the Tree of Life, and begin to consciously work with them (or rather, develop a relationship with them), I have noticed an immediate increase in the frequency, symbolism/messaging, and applicability of the synchronicities in my life. It is the universe and myself building a stronger line of communication with each other, and its effect is an increasing skill and power to intuit, create, and manifest. And along with it comes a more distinct awareness of what I need to do to reach my highest potential and create my best life.
Secondly, and jointly, my powers of precognition have grown exponentially. When I realized this was happening it was a wonderful “ah-ha'“ moment. I felt like a little girl doing cartwheels, utterly imbued with the joy of a new understanding on how to interface with nature and the universe and Reality. I attribute this development to the fact that once we begin to work with the Kabbalah we free ourselves from old patterns and conditions. Specifically, in this case, freeing the mind from the limitations of space and time. When we familiarize ourselves with the patterns on the Tree of Life and step onto them as if we are stepping onto a lighted path, our minds expand and spread out non-linearly across time and space. Just as the Tree of Life itself spreads out across dimensions. We deprogram our minds and unbind ourselves from time, experiencing future moments in the now. Prior to this, precognitive events occurred only in my dreams. Now, I receive glimpses and knowings during my waking life…like memories.
Thirdly, there is how the Kabbalah has changed my experience and perception of time. Retro-causality is simply a concept of cause and effect where the effect precedes its cause in time, so that a later event in time affects an earlier event. I always believed that time was non-linear. It is one of my core beliefs. Working with the Kabbalah has actually brought me to an “experiential” understanding of that concept - that events in the future and decisions we “will make” are actually affecting us NOW. The wheel of karma is just that, a wheel. What goes before affects what comes after, what comes after affects what came before. This is something that can be understood intellectually if you’re open to the general notion that time is non-linear. It is a well-known theory in physics and also in spiritual traditions where it is sometimes referred to as “sacred (non-linear) time”. For most people (myself included), this is first experienced in the world of our dreams. I can attest, however, that once you begin working with the Kabbalah (i.e moving down from Kether to Malkuth in order to manifest, or upward from Malkuth to Kether in order to get in touch with spirit, divine beings and higher realms - or moving any way along the path according to the work you wish to or need to do) you will begin to feel a release of your being, of your spirit. You can actually step outside of time and into infinity and choose which “frame” of time you wish to focus your intention upon and from there which “timeline” you wish to step into. For example, as you raise your vibration (through spiritual work, meditation, inner growth, etc.) you gain access to the reality that exists at this higher vibration that you did not have access to before. You can choose to keep stepping into these higher and higher realities…
As a final note, another beautiful experience I’ve had working with the Kabbalah is around the experience of ‘doubt’ in the process of manifestation. Doubt, or fear, is the great destroyer of manifestation. As Frank Herbert wrote in his masterpiece of science fiction, DUNE:
I have noticed in my life that my powers of manifestation work best in those instances where I have only a tiny seed of doubt or no doubt at all. Where I just know what I intend shall come to pass. This has been the case for me in my professional life, for instance. I naturally have little doubt about my abilities to manifest my professional goals and dreams. But, in certain other aspects of my life (i.e. love, friendship, romance) I am filled with doubt. I feel it like a solid, concrete block in the pit of my stomach. Yuck. But knowing where I am with those areas (i.e. conscious relationship manifestation) as they correspond on the Tree of Life, I can see what lies ahead. I can see what I need to do, what I need to accept, what energies I need to cultivate, what I need to work on in order to transcend to the next step towards my best self and actualize the relationship of my dreams. For example, am I at Geburah where I need to bring in more severity into my relationships? Where I need to cut away what is no longer serving me, where I need to edit and re-edit? Or, am I at Tipareth, where I need to cultivate balance and enjoy the beauty of what is? This is just one of many ways to work with the Kabbalah. And the above are just some of the many wonderful effects it can have.
I hope this post has piqued your curiosity about the Kabbalah.
If it has done so, even a little, then it will have served its purpose.